
we want to switch our property files to xml format.
Now i'm looking for the best structure of that xml file.

i thought of =

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Project 1</name>

<name>Project 2</name>
<name>Project 3</name>


to access all modules within a for loop i have =

<project name="bla" default="main" basedir=".">

<!-- Import AntContrib -->
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" />

<xmlproperty file="T:/test/props.xml" keeproot="false"/>

<target name="main">

<propertyselector property="module"
        distinct="true" />

<for list="${module}" param="msection">
        <echo>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</echo>

        <var name="mname" unset="true" />
        <script language="javascript">
            project.setNewProperty("mname", mname);


        <var name="mlabel" unset="true" />
        <script language="javascript">
            mlabel = project.getProperty("@{msection}.label");
            project.setNewProperty("mlabel", mlabel);


        <var name="mat" unset="true" />
        <script language="javascript">
            mat = project.getProperty("@{msection}.at");
            project.setNewProperty("mat", mat);

        <equals arg1="${mat}" arg2="y"/>
                <echo>${mname} already deployed !!</echo>       


Instead of the echos there will be the real work later, i.e. checkout

Question =

is there a better way, should i have another structure for my xml
property file ?

Thanks for any hints !

Regards, Gilbert

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