On Friday 13 January 2006 2:35 pm, Gerd Wütherich wrote:
> Hi,
> is there any possibility to access an inner jar file that resides in a
> outer jar while using an ant path structure?
> Short example:
>     <javac srcdir="${basedir}/source" destdir="${basedir}/classes">
>       <classpath>
>         <pathelement path="${basedir}/lib/outer.jar!inner.jar" />
>       </classpath>
>     </javac>
> I did not find any information about it, so i would love to get further
> information if this is possible and how it may works!
> Thanks,
> Gerd

Yes, unjar it especially for reference on a compiler classpath. It is a build 
step anyway so unjarring should not be impractical. If you wanted to 
reference nested jars on the classpath at runtime there is a Onejar project 
capable of handling the task.

Clifton C. Craig, Software Engineer
Intelligent Computer Systems -  A Division of GBG

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