Frank Harnack wrote:
I would try the Parallel-Task. There is a timeout attribute available.



I'd be very cautious about handling timeouts in-JVM; there is no guarantee that Ant is left in anything resembling a stable state at the time of exit -it depends on what the task was doing during timeout. As long as the sole action is "exit with a message" everything should be ok

exec and java both let you add a timeout to an external program.

Quoting Santosh Pai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hey Everyun,

I want to add a *time-out* feature to my build scripts..i.e. if a task
exceeds a pre-defined time limit, I need to croak out the same and exit.

Any help ??


Santosh Pai
Technical Lead
Quagnito Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
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