maarten roosendaal wrote:

I have create a MultiThreadedTestCase based on the one
descibed in
It uses an Innerclass that extends TestCaseRunnable
that implements Runnable.

When i run the test from Eclipse it works fine. When i
run the test from an ANT build-file it fails with the
following message:
has no public constructor TestCase(String name) or

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Class
has no public constructor TestCase(String name) or

What could cause this problem when simply running the
unittest WITHOUT ANT is working fine? I know a
TestClass should extend the TestCase-class but when
implementing Runnable you have a problem with the
run(). But this does not seem to be the problem
otherwise the problem would occur in both instances.

1. We don't know how eclipse runs its tests. It probably introspects to only run everything that extends TestCase

2. I'd look at your pattern of selecting which tests to run. Junit appears to have been handed the thread to turn into a test case, which obviously fails as it isnt one.

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