> >As I need to deploy the app on numerous machines, I'd rather
> >avoid to set the PATH each time.
> >Any idea to set the environment within ant commandline or even
> >better within the ant file before I call the java task?
> try setting the   java.library.path  system property.

There are 2 ways to find .dll a Java app needs.

java.library.path is a Java-only way to tell the VM where to look for
native libraries (.dll, .so). It allows to find the libraries loaded
using java.lang.System.loadLibrary("foo"); The VM will look for
foo.dll using the path from java.library.path, and if not found using
the Path environment variable.

If a .dll depends on another .dll, then it must be found in the
system-specific, on Windows the Path (on *nix, LD_LIBRARY_PATH

To set the Path using <java>, you must add fork="true" and an <env>
nested element. The advantage of java.library.path is that it's
cross-platform, and doesn't require to fork (I think, I usually fork

I hope this helps. --DD

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