Hello everybody, Sorry if i am asking silly questions, since i am only a starter. ... Now i am able to create jar files, but unable to do so in a desired folder. The corresponding code is as follows: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <target name="createjar" description="Jars the class files"> <mkdir dir="${jardir-name}"/> <jar basedir="${jardir-name}" destfile="${jarfile-name}" includes="**/*.class"/> </target> <target name="usejar" description="Runs the class from the Jar file" depends="createjar"> <java classname="hello" classpath="${jarfile-name}" fork="true"/> </target> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
and i also want to know why -----------fork="true"------------is used... Please reply immediately, Thank u, bye =============================================== The complete build file is as follows, for reference: =============================================== <project name="compile" default="speak" basedir="."> <property name="path" location="dest"/> <property name="jardir-name" location="jar-files"/> <property name="jarfile-name" value="hello.jar"/> <target name="compile"> <mkdir dir="${path}" /> <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${path}" /> </target> <target name="speak" description="Prints the developer's Name"> <echo message=" You did not specify any target "/> <echo message=" "/> <echo message=" K.Srikumar"/> </target> <target name="clean" description="Clear the new dirs"> <delete dir="${path}"/> </target> <target name="doall" depends="compile,speak,clean" description="Run all the targets"/> <target name="-hidden"> <echo message="This is hidden"/> </target> <target name="createjar" description="Jars the class files"> <mkdir dir="${jardir-name}"/> <jar basedir="${jardir-name}" destfile="${jarfile-name}" includes="**/*.class"/> </target> <target name="usejar" description="Runs the class from the Jar file" depends="createjar"> <java classname="hello" classpath="${jarfile-name}" fork="true"/> </target> </project> :)K . S R I K U M A R --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.