Hi Form

   To be more specific about the Argument.

   >>It depends on the nature of your deployment problem.

   The nature of the hindrance is applying patches/rollback version's of
bulk is time consuming.

   So have to automise  the task of applying patches/rollback version's.

   and can be achieved  as follows.

   1)The application patches is for 'WAR' post deployment only.

   2)Need to develop a task using ANT for multi Server (more then one)
deployment scenireo.

Please somebody Help me.

with regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Loughran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 5:34 AM
To: Ant Users List

Karthik wrote:

> Hi form,
> I am a begineer in here.
> I have a single application and currently 3 systems,
> and need too use ANT to deploy the application on all the 3 systems.
> The systems may increase in next quater...
>   So have to develop the build.xml file in such a way for flexibility....
>  I have gone thru the documentation on using the tasks ,cant figure out
> to achieve this feature

It depends on the nature of your deployment problem. If its just 'how do
I copy files to three different systems", then use property file and
<property file="secure/${server}.properties" /> to pull in a different
set of properties for each target system.

If you have a more complex problem like "how do bring up my app on
jboss+mysql on host A, tomcat and derby on host B, with clean install of
everything if needed", then the project I work on by day, SmartFrog, is
more suited to your needs: http://smartfrog.org/ . You can initiate a
deployment from Ant.


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