Hello Rhino,

If the property server.choice is set, the input task
will be skipped. Well, it might be not your case -
just be sure that you do not set server.choice in

Also can you run your script from the command line -
if it works correctly than the problem is in Eclipse.

There is some machinery behind <input> task. It does
not read directly from System.in (the standard input
stream); instead it delegates reading the input to the
so called InputHandlers (part of Ant API). I think
that Eclipse has its own InputHandler which pops up an
dialog - I have never used him and never read its code
so I am not sure how it works. I hope some of the
Eclipse guys here will be able to help you more.


--- Rhino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been having an intermittent problem with the
> 'input' task for the past 
> several days. I'm baffled by what causes it and
> would like to know if anyone 
> else has seen this or knows of a solution/workaround
> to keep it from 
> happening?
> I'm using Ant 1.6.5 in Eclipse 3.1.1 and my problem
> is simple: my 'input' 
> task _occasionally_ fails to bring up the input
> dialog. Even with -verbose 
> and -debug in my startup parameters, the Ant output
> simply shows the name of 
> the target that contains the input task with no
> other output, like so:
> getserver:
> The build doesn't seem to succeed _or_ fail; there
> is nothing after the 
> 'getserver:' line. However, the build seems to have
> ended because I can 
> launch it again without a problem.
> I was getting this problem very persistently a few
> days ago, then it went 
> away suddenly. Now it is back. I can't think of
> anything I have done in my 
> build script or my environment to cause my 'input'
> task to work or fail 
> intermittently; the target is itself has been
> working unchanged for a couple 
> of years until this problem started the other day.
> Here is the target:
> <target name="getserver" description="Determine
> which server is the target">
>  <input message="Which server should receive the
> files? 1. Silo   2. Bongo"
>   validargs="1,2"
>   addproperty="server.choice"
>   defaultvalue="2"/>
>  <condition property="servername" value="Silo">
>   <equals arg1="${server.choice}" arg2="1"/>
>   </condition>
>  <condition property="servername" value="Bongo">
>   <equals arg1="${server.choice}" arg2="2"/>
>   </condition>
> </target>
> Can anyone help me figure out how to get the 'input'
> task working _all_ of 
> the time? This is really messing me up. I have
> several input tasks to prompt 
> for input that should not be hard-coded in the
> script for security reasons.
> Rhino
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