> psst - little secret: ...

Oham - I was just going to ask, how the docu can be used e.g.
to find all possible subelements of a given element, since
the ant docu doesn't work too well for me...

BTW: I could reduce the "fileB if FileA is not there" to this:

        <path id="classpath">
                <fileset dir="${jarpath}">
                   <include name="**/*.jar" />
                   <exclude name="orbacus.jar" />
                <fileset dir="${jarpath}">
                        <selector unless="jacorb.present">
                            <filename name="orbacus.jar"/>

But I got stuck again, because I wanted to set the property 
"jacorb.present" depending on a filenamepattern, rather than a filename.
   <available property="jacorb.present" file="${jarpath}/**/jacorb*.jar"
doesn not work.

Now I ended up with 

        <path id="classpath_jacorb">
                <fileset dir="${jarpath}">
                   <include name="**/jacorb*.jar" />
        <pathconvert property="classpath_jacorb.property" 
                   refid="classpath_jacorb" targetos="unix"/>    

        <condition property="jacorb.present">
           <contains string="${classpath_jacorb.property}"

This is quite ugly, but at least it works :-/


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