> Hi,
> Is there an ANT task to replace a <TAG:filename> in the source with the
> contents of the specified file???
> That is I working with some scripting languages where I'd like to
> identify common code and keep these in separate files (e.g. like JSP TAG
> replacement concept but simpler).  What I'm looking for is a way to
> specific a TAG in the source file, which within the TAG it identified
> the file which has the common code.  Then when running the ANT task and
> "building" from the SOURCE to the BUILD area the TAGS would be replaced
> by the contents of the files.
> Any suggestions re how to do this with ANT?
> An optional (ideal) extra would be the ability to handle recursion (i.e.
> a file with a snippet of text itself could contain a TAG).
> Thanks
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I am not quite sure that I understood your ideas clearly enough to answer
this, but I would like to suggest you this: why not just use
<filter token="<TAG:xxxx>" value="${property.Containg.The.Desired.String}"/>
<copy file="your.file" todir="${build.dir}" filtering="true"/>

This will copy your file to a destination directory replacing the pattern
<TAG:xxx> with anything that your propery holds.
Hope that helps!
Regards, Petar!

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