Hello Michael, --- Michael Silverman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All, > > I have two questions and I would really appreciate > your assistance. > > 1. How do I get the drive letter which ant is > running from (under windows of > course)? > Something like getting the first char of > ${basedir} is good enough for > me (I think...) You can do it using <propertyregexp> from ant-contrib or if you want pure Ant solution you can use the following <macrodef>: <project> <macrodef name="getDriveLetter"> <attribute name="absPath" default="${basedir}"/> <attribute name="result"/> <sequential> <echo file=".tempfile">@{absPath}</echo> <replaceregexp file=".tempfile" match="\\(.*)" replace=""/> <loadfile srcfile=".tempfile" property="@{result}"/> <delete file=".tempfile" failonerror="false"/> </sequential> </macrodef> <getDriveLetter result="drive"/> <echo>$${drive} is ${drive}</echo> </project> There may be some trick with <pathconvert> as well. > 2. Is there a way to set the windows path through > ant? It doesn't have to be > permanent, > I just want to append a dir to the windows path > during the running of ant > (because of a DLL issue). > I tried to use the exec task but it didn't work: > I couldn't execute 'set' > because it is not > an executable file and if I execute 'cmd.exe' > with arguments 'set > Path=...' , then the path > is only changed in the cmd.exe process and not > outside of it (the change > is not visible > to ant after cmd.exe has ended). I suppose you are calling a windows command with <exec>. You can use <exec>'s nested element <env> and pass through it the desired env variable. Hope this helps Regards Ivan __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]