Hello Paul,

<sql> task has "encoding" attribute. You may find it

I understand from your message that your database uses
UTF-8. What  is the encoding, however, of the system
on which you start the build script? Is there a
difference between the encoding of the file containing
the sql commands and the encoding of your Linux


--- Paul Keeble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am having some problems loading unicode using the
> SQL task with Ant 1.6.5 on
> JDK 1.4.on Linux. The database is MS SQL. When the
> scripts are run from the
> linux the internaitionl characters (sample below)
> are replaced with a ?. The
> database is set to use utf-8 encoding.
> When connecting via the Enterprise Manager the same
> scripts load normally, so
> it is something to do with Ant + JDBC.
> A sample insertion data that would be in the sql
> script that shows the problem:
> INSERT INTO dbo.TABLE(KeyName,Locale,Value)
> VALUES('Key','de','Allgemeine
> Geschäftsbedingungen');
> In the database under column value after running the
> sql task the entry would
> read: 
> Allgemeine Gesch?ftsbedingungen
> Nothing special is being done in the sql task - its
> simply as follows:
> <sql classpathref="database.classpath"
>   url="${db.connection.url}" 
>   autocommit="true"
>   delimiter="GO"
>   delimitertype="row"
>   src="myfile.sql"
>   userid="..."
>   password="..."/>
> What am I doing wrong here, are their additional
> settings I need on the sql
> statement or do I need to go through and replace
> these characters with \u....
> etc?
> Paul
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