Have you tried the verbose (-v) or debug (-d) command line options? Be warned, they put a lot of stuff on the console. When I use them I redirect the console to a file then browse it with an editor.
HTH Bill -----Original Message----- From: Brown, Carlton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 5:44 PM To: user@ant.apache.org Subject: Question on how to to debug mapper issues As I'm learning Ant, one thing I miss bitterly is the ability to print, echo, or otherwise inspect every piece of data in order to see where things are going wrong. I'm having some trouble with a mapper statement, and if anybody could tell me how to observe what's getting matched by the asterisk, that would be great. For example, if I had a fragment like: <uptodate property="is.uptodate"> <srcfiles dir="src" includes="*.java"/> <mapper type="glob" from="*.java" to="build/classes/*.class"/> </uptodate> Some variations of the above task don't work, and I'd be so happy if I could see what my "to" and "from" attributes are evaluating to. It would be great if there were some way to echo out the asterisk value, unfortunately I haven't come across a way to do that. If anybody has an answer, I'd be much appreciative. Somebody is bound to point out that the above task works as written, which is true. So I'll mention that what I'm trying to do is compare subdirectories of the src structure rather than the entire thing. By varying the dir attribute of the srcfiles task in parallel with the "to" attribute of the mapper task, I can get as far as 3 subdirectories deep. But if I try to drill farther than the parent of the directory containing the actual *.class files, the property doesn't get set. So I'm trying to figure out why this is happening. -Carlton --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]