> BTW : Dominique, how does your proposal in bugzilla articulate with the
> xdocs proposal of Eric/Steve ?
> Is it complementary/parallel/concurrent ?

I'm afraid it's concurrent. I want to:
1) use Ant's own IH, as opposed duplicated logic in the doc code.
2) use regular doclets as opposed to xdoclet.
3) use XSL (Saxon probably to benefit from XSL 2.0) instead of Velocity/Anakia.

I extend IH already to extract the info I need (covers (1)). I've
prototyped the XML vocabulary the doc could follow, and this was
discussed in the list in while back. Remains to do (2), and finish up

The trouble of course is that I haven't done much to it for a long
time... I need to. I'm currently concentrating on finding a job though
;-) --DD

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