Good Morning Is it possible to to some string operations on a property? Example: Prop1: "/my/folder/" Prop2: "/my other folder/"
Now I log: File moved to: ${Prop1}${Prop2} This logs: "/my/folder//my other folder/" The double slash is not nice... But I need all the slashes in Prop1 and Prop2... So I need to do a substring action on one of the properties. I took a look at the documentation of ANT but did not found some string operations or stuff like this. I think there is such things, may be I looked at the wrong place. If so, please tell me where I have to look next time ;) Thank you Remo ____________________________________________________________ This message may contain legally privileged or confidential information and is therefore addressed to the named persons only. The recipient should inform the sender and delete this message, if he/she is not named as addressee. The sender disclaims any and all liability for the integrity and punctuality of this message. The sender has activated an automatic virus scanning by Messagelabs, but does not guarantee the virus free transmission of this message. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]