> Hi all
> I didnt find an answer to this in the documentaion or in the 
> mailinglist archive:
> To run a ant script, I have to call it like this:
> Ant -buildfile MyAntScript.xml MyTarget
> I call my ant script using batch files on windows. Now I need 
> to set some parameters to the ant script dynamicly, like:
> Ant -buildfile MyAntScript.xml MyTarget MyParameter1 MyParameter2
> And so on. How do I access such parameters inside of 
> MyAntScript.xml? Is it possible?
> Cause of ant's syntax, MyParameter1 and 2 would be another 
> target... :/

You define them as properties:

ant -f MyAntScript.xml MyTarget -DMyProperty1=MyParameter1


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