Dear Colleagues,
I and Petar Tahchiev (who is also a member of ant-user
list) wrote a presentation about Ant called "Ant
Abilities for Building Large Projects". Could you
please add it in the Resources section? Attached you
will find the patch for resources.xml.
A description of the presentation follows here as
The presentation demonstrates <subant>, <import>,
<macrodef> when building a project consisting of
several components. It starts with some introductory
notes about Apache Ant, then it discusses the above
tasks and finishes with a demonstration of a project
using them.
The presentation was given on 22nd of October, 2005
for OpenFest conference [1], held in the town of
Pazardjik, Bulgaria. The conference was organized by
Free Software Association - Bulgaria [2] Internet
Society - Bulgaria [3].
The presentation archive, called OFP2005.tar.bz2 can
be downloaded from [4]. It contains the sample code
used in the presentation as well the presentation both
in Bulgarian and English.
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Index: resources.xml
--- resources.xml (revision 328822)
+++ resources.xml (working copy)
@@ -309,6 +309,21 @@
<section name="Articles">
+ <subsection name="Ant Abilities for Building Large Documents">
+ <p>The presentation demonstrates <subant>, <import>, <macrodef> when building a project consisting of several components. It starts with some introductory notes about Apache Ant, then it discusses the above tasks and finishes with a demonstration of a project using them.</p>
+ <p>The presentation was given on 22nd of October, 2005 for <a href="">OpenFest</a> conference, held in the town of Pazardjik, Bulgaria. The conference was organized by <a href="">Free Software Association - Bulgaria</a> and <a href="">Internet Society - Bulgaria</a>.</p>
+ <table class="externals">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Authors:</th>
+ <td>Ivan Ivanov, Petar Tahchiev</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>URL:</th>
+ <td><a href=""> (Download OFP2005.tar.bz2)</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </subsection>
<subsection name="Extending Ant Input Abilities">
<p>The contents of this document is the following:<ul>
<li>Section 2 provides a simple example how InputHandlers are created,</li>
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