Jasper output don't exist in my Tomcat directory ?



Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on June 2 2005

Buildfile: build.xml

Adding reference: ant.PropertyHelper

Detected Java version: 1.4 in: /usr/local/java/bin/../jre

Detected OS: Linux

Adding reference: ant.ComponentHelper

Setting ro project property: ant.version -> Apache Ant version 1.6.5
compiled on
 June 2 2005

Setting ro project property: ant.file ->

Adding reference: ant.projectHelper

Adding reference: ant.parsing.context

Adding reference: ant.targets

parsing buildfile /home/phi/webapps/jasper/demo/samples/horizontal/build.xml
h URI = file:///home/phi/webapps/jasper/demo/samples/horizontal/build.xml

Setting ro project property: ant.project.name -> horizontal

Adding reference: horizontal

Setting ro project property: ant.file.horizontal ->

Project base dir set to: /home/phi/webapps/jasper/demo/samples/horizontal


Adding reference: classpath

 +Target: javac

 +Target: compile

 +Target: fill

 +Target: view

 +Target: viewXML

 +Target: print

 +Target: pdf

 +Target: xml

 +Target: xmlEmbed

 +Target: html

 +Target: rtf

 +Target: xls

 +Target: csv

 +Target: run

 +Target: viewDesignXML

 +Target: viewDesign

 +Target: clean

Setting project property: class.name -> HorizontalApp

Setting project property: file.name -> HorizontalReport

Setting project property: classes.dir -> ../../../build/classes

Setting project property: lib.dir -> ../../../lib

Setting project property: fonts.dir -> ../../fonts

Could not load a dependent class
(com/sun/media/jai/codec/FileSeekableStream) fo
r type image

Could not load a dependent class (com/jcraft/jsch/UserInfo) for type sshexec

Could not load a dependent class (com/jcraft/jsch/UserInfo) for type scp

Adding reference: classpath

Shows how multi-column report templates could be filled horizontally.

Main targets:


 clean          Deletes all the generated files.

 compile        Compiles the XML report design and produces the .jasper
 csv            Generates a CSV version of the report by converting the

 fill           Fills the compiled report design with data and produces the
rint file.

 html           Generates an HTML version of the report by converting the
nt file.

 javac          Compiles the java source files of the test application.

 pdf            Generates a PDF version of the report by converting the

 print          Sends the report in the .jrprint file to the printer.

 rtf            Generates an RTF version of the report by converting the
t file.

 run            Generates a PDF file by filling the .jasper report design.
No in

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Philippe Couas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : mercredi 26 octobre 2005 19:32
À : user@ant.apache.org
Objet : Path question with Jai and Jsch Error

I just install ant 1.6.5 for Running horizontal sample in Jasper project
when i launch ant -d -p in horizontal directory 
I have following error message
Could not load a dependent class (com/sun/media/jai/codec/FileSeekableStrr
type image                                                             
Could not load a dependent class (com/jcraft/jsch/UserInfo) for type sshe
Could not load a dependent class (com/jcraft/jsch/UserInfo) for type scp 
I have added in my Classpath
this directory contains jai and jsch
      213586 oct 24 14:18 jai_codec.jar           
   1576549 oct 24 14:18 jai_core.jar            
       116238 oct 24 14:20 jsch-0.1.23.jar         
       3309314 oct 24 14:18 libmlib_jai.so          
         41239 oct 24 14:18 mlibwrapper_jai.jar     
Where is my mistake  ???

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