> >However I was asking myself another question. What happens
> >with the basedir project's attributes?
> From the manual
> "If you want to run directory1/mybuild.xml, directory2/mybuild.xml, ....,
> use the antfile
> attribute. The subant task does not set the base directory for you in this
> case, because
> you can specify it in each build file."
> >I saw you can pass a
> >property, but what happens if there exists already defined
> >basedir property and you pass one to the build you are calling
> >with subant?
> Properties are immutable - first wins.
> And the first should be the value you pass into - but just try it out.
> >I know that properties are immutable, but I also
> >know that basedir is a "special" property, which reminds me another
> >question: what is the special of the basedir property?
> Relative paths are relative to ${basedir}.
> ${basedir} is set by Ant even if you dont specify it as attribute. It´s
> the directory
> of the build.xml.
> Jan
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Thanks for the assistance, Jan. That cleared out my suspicions.

Regards, Petar!

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