
The CC does not use the ANT shipped with it (CC).
The problem is the fact that ANT has an old version of 'a' library while I need 
a newer one 
Unless I missed a point in your answer ... ?


--- "Erskine, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Rather than using ant within CC, use the antscript attribute on the ant
> task.  This will allow you to then use the version of ant that you
> install on your machine rather than the version that ships with CC.
> Chris Erskine
> EDS Consulting Services
> Colorado Springs, CO 
> Phone: 719-265-5962
> Cell: 719-640-6488
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 4:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: Classpath issue
> Dear,
> The ant used by Cruisecontrole has a few library installed in the
> ${ANT_HOME}/lib 
> There is a library that is of a very old version while I'd need a more
> recent version of the task.
> My project file defines its own path for ALL the targets it uses but ANT
> uses the library in its
> ${ANT_HOME}/lib  before using the one defined in the task definition.
> Can I circumvent that behavior ?
> How ?
> BTW, removing the old library from ${ANT_HOME}/lib  is not an option.
> \T,
> --
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