Let the MacOSX/Eclipse user print the path. Is xgettext in that?
Maybe the path is not propagated.


>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: Nicolas Vervelle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Gesendet: Donnerstag, 29. September 2005 08:42
>An: user@ant.apache.org
>Betreff: <exec> problem under Mac OS X + Eclipse
>I will probably post this one on the Eclipse mailing list, but 
>maybe someone in the Ant list can help.
>I am working on an open-source project (Jmol [1]).
>The build is made with Ant but some of the Jmol developers / 
>users use it from Eclipse.
>The build works correctly under Windows (and probably Unix) 
>but I have a problem under Mac OS X.
>It's not on my machine, it's been reported by an other user, 
>so I can't test it on my own computer (no Mac).
>I am using a <exec> task to run xgettext (from the Gnu gettext tools).
>The situation is :
>- xgettext is in the path,
>- if Ant is run directly from the command line in the 
>directory where the build file is, it works
>- if Ant is run from Eclipse, Ant doesn't find the executable
>Does anyone have already had this kind of problem ?
>I don't know what to look for, any help will be appreciated. Any idea ?
>Here is a test build file showing the problem:
><project name="test-exec" default="test-exec" basedir=".">
>   <property name="src.dir" value="src" />
>   <target name="test-exec">
>     <echo message="${java.library.path}"/>
>     <exec executable="xgettext" dir="${src.dir}" failonerror="false" 
>       <arg value="--help"/>
>     </exec>
>   </target>
> </project>
>Here is the result of running the build with -debug :
>Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on June 2 2005 Setting ro 
>project property: ant.file -> 
>Buildfile: /Users/rkanters/Projects/Eclipse/Jmol/build-text.xml
>Adding reference: ant.projectHelper
>Adding reference: ant.parsing.context
>Adding reference: ant.targets
>parsing buildfile /Users/rkanters/Projects/Eclipse/Jmol/build-text.xml
>with URI = file:///Users/rkanters/Projects/Eclipse/Jmol/build-text.xml
>Setting ro project property: ant.project.name -> test-exec 
>Adding reference: test-exec Setting ro project property: 
>ant.file.test-exec -> 
>Project base dir set to: /Users/rkanters/Projects/Eclipse/Jmol
>+Target: test-exec
>Setting project property: src.dir -> src Adding reference: 
>eclipse.ant.targetVector Build sequence for target(s) 
>`test-exec' is [test-exec] Complete build sequence is [test-exec, ]
>     [echo]
>     [exec] Current OS is Mac OS X
>     [exec] Executing 'xgettext' with arguments:
>     [exec] '--help'
>     [exec]
>     [exec] The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
>     [exec] not part of the command.
>Execute:Java13CommandLauncher: Executing 'xgettext' with arguments:
>The ' characters around the executable and arguments are not 
>part of the command.
>     [exec] Execute failed: java.io.IOException: xgettext: not 
>found BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 548 milliseconds
>Thanks for any help,
>[1] http://www.jmol.org/

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