On Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:27:16 -0700 (PDT), Thomas SMETS wrote:

your problem is not the task, but either your .xml or .xsl file, one of them 
is not well-formed.

>My XSLT to transform the XML report from checkstyle fails with the 
following message : 
> Fatal Error! Content is not allowed in prolog.

>I use the following :
>    <xslt in="${quality.dir}/xml/checkstyle-${target}.xml" 
>           destdir="${checkstyle.dir}" 
>           style="${config.dir}/${checkstyle.xslt.transformer}"/>
>which I believe is expected to work fine with the XSLT generating frames 
from teh XML

><xslt in="${quality.dir}/xml/checkstyle-${target}.xml" 
>          out="${quality.dir}/checkstyle-${target}.xml" 
>          style="${config.dir}/${checkstyle.xslt.transformer}"/>
>work fine with the simpler : checkstyle-noframes-sorted.xsl

>Any idea, 


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Ciao, Jürgen

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