On 24/08/05, Stephen Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to build an Ant project that uses some Apple Cocoa classes.
> These are stored as .class files and not as jars. They reside in a
> completely different folder to my project. I can compile and run my
> program by referencing these from the command line as follows:
> javac -classpath /System/Library/Java:. MyProgram.java
> java -classpath /System/Library/Java:. MyProgram
> Is there a way I can replicate this functionality using Ant and add the
> directory (System/Library/Java) to the classpath?
> I've tried solutions from the Ant documentation and the archives of
> this list but haven't been able to get anything to work yet.
> Thanks in advance,
> Steve.
You can always use the <compilerarg> task to pass arguments to the compiler, 
but rather why don't you try 
<path id="compile.cp">
<fileset dir="YOUR DIR">
<include name=""/>
and later on call the classpath using <javac srcdir="" destdir="" 
Or just use <classpath>

Regards, Petar!

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