Thanks Brian
In my case i don't know the number elements <b> in the XML (it can vary)
for. e.g
I can have
  <b src="${myapp1.dir}/common/jsp" target="${myapp2.dir}/common/jsp"/ >
  <b src="${myapp1.dir}/common/jsp" target="${myapp4.dir}/common/jsp"/ >
  <b src="${myapp2.dir}/common/jsp" target="${myapp5.dir}/common/jsp"/ >
  <b src="${myapp2.dir}/common/jsp" target="${myapp5.dir}/common/jsp"/ >

or just

  <b src="${myapp1.dir}/common/jsp" target="${myapp2.dir}/common/jsp"/ >

Brian Agnew wrote:

This isn't really an xmltask issue (in which case [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the list to point to). xmltask will just read your XML file 'as is'. However you can solve the below using xmltask using something like (and I haven't tested this but it should give you an idea):

<xmltask source="myXMLFile.xml"    ..... >
  <attr path="/a/b[1]" attr="src" value="${myapp1}/common.jsp"/>
  <attr path="/a/b[2]" attr="src" value="${myapp3}/common.jsp"/>

and so on, prior to using the <call> instruction.

Anand Krishniyer wrote:

I am trying to read a path from an XML file.
For e.g here is an XML

<b src="${myapp1.dir}/common/jsp" target="${myapp2.dir}/common/jsp"/ > <b src="${myapp3.dir}/common/jsp" target="${myapp4.dir}/common/jsp"/ >

And the section of the ant build file looks like this

   <loadproperties srcFile="c:/myappdir/conf/sbm.conf"/>

<xmltask source="myXMLFile.xml"> <call path="a/b" target="package-Resources" inheritAll="true" inheritRefs="true"> <param name="src" path="@src"/> </call>

The values of the variables myapp1.dir, myapp2.dir, myapp3.dir, myapp4.dir are available in the sbm.conf file and are loaded correctly. When I read the src from the xml file, the full patch for ${src}doesn't get resolved. The ${src} remains as ${myapp1.dir}/common/jsp. How to resolve this a correct path?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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