Because the first one is part of a selector. -- Jeffrey E. Care ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) WebSphere v7 Release Engineer WebSphere Build Tooling Lead (Project Mantis)
"Tardif, Sebastien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/18/2005 01:41:31 PM: > This work: > <copy todir="${jsp.dst.dir}"> > <fileset dir="${dataviewservlet.dir}/sample"> > <selector> > <or> > <filename name="DVMainLogoComponent.jsp"/> > <filename name="DVHitlistLogoComponent.jsp"/> > <filename name="DVHyperlinksComponent.jsp"/> > </or> > </selector> > </fileset> > </copy> > > But this doesn't: > <copy todir="${jsp.dst.dir}"> > <fileset dir="${dataviewservlet.dir}/sample"> > <filename name="DVMainLogoComponent.jsp"/> > <filename name="DVHitlistLogoComponent.jsp"/> > <filename name="DVHyperlinksComponent.jsp"/> > </fileset> > </copy> > > And I received no error message so it's a valid Ant XML. > > Anybody understand why the second version doesn't work? > What's the logic of the test? > > I'm using ANT 1.6.5 which is the latest official release.