1 is not a successful error code. Probably means devenv is not in your Path.
I always add failonerror="true" to <exec>. Then you'll see that it fails.

Fix up your Path to have devenv found correctly. --DD

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karunakar Chatla [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:23 AM
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: FW : Error while executing exec task
> Now I have modified the build file like following :
> <project name="DotNet">
>     <target name="Build .Net Projects" >
>   <exec executable="devenv" output="E:/output.log">
>    <arg line="E:/DARTmail/DARTmail/ui/lgUI/lgui.sln /REBUILD Release" />
>   </exec>
>  </target>
> </project>
> Now the devenv is returning 1 and it says that build is successful.
> But now also I am not getting anything in output file (i.e E:/output.log).
> What might be the problem?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Karunakar Chatla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Ant Users List" <user@ant.apache.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 4:21 PM
> Subject: Error while executing exec task
> Hi,
> I have encountered a problem... I don't know whether to call it strange or
> I
> am doing it wrong.
> I have to compile a .Net project through exec task.
> Following is my build file :
> <project name="DotNet">
>     <description>
>         Script to build all the .Net Components
>     </description>
>     <property name="win.view.path" value="E:/DARTmail" />
>     <property name="build.options" value="/REBUILD" />
>     <target name="Build .Net Projects" >
>        <echo message="Building .Net components" />
>        <echo message="Setting environment" />
>        <!--
>           <exec executable="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat" os="Windows 2000" output="e:/out.txt"
>             failonerror="false" />
>        -->
>        <!-- Build sslgui project -->
>       <exec executable='"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\devenv"' os="Windows 2000" output="E:/BuildDotNet.log"
> failonerror="true" >
>         <arg line='${win.view.path}/DARTmail/ui/lgUI/lgui.sln
> ${build.options} Release' />
>       </exec>
>  </target>
> </project>
> This is giving following error :
>       Ant Error Message: E:\BuildAutomation\Phase
> II\RAndD\Cruise\build-components.xml:14: The following error occurred
> while
> executing this line: E:\BuildAutomation\Phase
> II\RAndD\Cruise\checkout\DotNe
> t\build.xml:17: exec returned: 1
> I have tried in following ways :
> 1) Uncommented the first exec task to set the environment before calling
> devenv. Given only the executable name (i.e devenv) in second exec task.
> 2) Thought the problem might be because of the spaces in the path, so
> deliberately put the path inside the quotes.
> 3) Given absolute path for all.
> In all the cases it is failing with the above error message. The
> irritating
> thing was that "E:/BuildDotNet.log" file created is of 0 KB. no log is
> written to this file.
> I don't know why this is happening.
> Can anybody help me out?
> Thanks,
> Karunakar Chatla
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