>Can you post the hyperlink again. It is going to Macromedia's site. We
>just just want to test the application after logging into the site by
>clicking some tabs and links in sequence to verify the applications are
>-----Original Message-----
>From: James Fuller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 12:25 PM
>To: Ant Users List
>Subject: Re: Urgent request for testing availability of websites.
>>Is there a way through ant to do 
>>a) Login in to a website - success or failure based on status codes.
>try ant-contrib http post task

sorry (look under other tasks!)

>>b) To test hyperlink's to check if the applications are running.
>this w/o session or cookies...u can use <get/> Ant task.
>gl, Jim Fuller
>>Any ideas would be highly appreciated.
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