
Have you tried defining properties for your paths
using <property> task with location attribute?

--- Steve Pruitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My build file is located here:
> C:\top\A\B\build.xml
> and I need to include the file found here:
> C:\top\C\D\E\F\somefile.xml

You can do it in the following way:
<property name="somefile.xml"

Although you specify the location as a relative path,
the value of the property will be expanded to the
absolute path. The advantage is that in this way you
rely only on relative paths between the files.
However, if the
location of somefile.xml is not fixed, you can isolate
this propertie in an external properties file and
adjust it every time the location of somefile.xml

HTH Ivan

> I have searched but cannot find any example or
> instruction on how to do
> this.
> Regards,
> Steve Pruitt
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