On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 14:36:22 -0400 (EDT), Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

regex != glob ==> s/*/.*/

>Hi all... having some trouble getting a regex replace to work... I have a
>JSP which contains the following line:

><!--Version--><span class="cssAboutVersion">Version 3.0<br>Build

>I have a task in my build script like so:

><replaceregexp file="${toa_base_dir}/jsp/systemAbout.jsp"
>byline="true" />

>But, nothing is getting replaced.  The file exists and is found, and all
>the properties are properly defined previously, it just seems to not be
>finding the matching text.  Any ideas?  Thanks!

>Frank W. Zammetti
>Founder and Chief Software Architect
>Omnytex Technologies

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Ciao, Jürgen

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