I am using ant 1.6.5

Here is the command I need to execute, and I would like to do this in
ant, as I think it could make life easier.

I don't know how to do the -f, -o and -d arguments after TINIConvertor,
and also, is there an easy way to put all the classes in my bin
directory in the argument prepended with a '-f'?

Thank you for any help.

-cp $TINI_HOME\tini.jar
-f bin\com\dtlab\zigbee\RadioBean.class
-f bin\com\dtlab\zigbee\DtLabSerialPort.class
-f bin\com\dtlab\zigbee\TiniSerialIO.class
-f bin\com\dtlab\basenode\BaseNodeMain.class
-o radar.tini -d $TINI_HOME\tini.db

Here is what I had attempted to do, but I got stuck with how to add
arguments after the java class that I am running.

<target name="maketini">
        <java classname="TINIConvertor"
           <pathelement location="${TINI_HOME}\bin\tini.jar"/>
           <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>

Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The more corrupt a republic, the
more laws.]
Tacitus from Annals III, 116AD
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