export ANT_OPTS="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/me/tmp"
Mark Lybarger wrote:
i've got an ant build script. our "default" jdk is IBM jdk 1.4.2. our web
app requires a specific version of xalan.jar to build. we can build just
fine on intel box by specifying sun's jvm. when deploying to jboss we use
the endorsed.dirs to use our xalan.jar, and can run ok under IBM's jvm. i
need (someone on the team wants) to be able to build on the power5 machine
which only includes IBM's jvm. i've tried to run ant like:
ant -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/me/tmp/
where the tmp folder includes the needed xalan.jar. this doesn't seem to
work to get me to compile the application. if anyone has suggestions on how
i can specify the java.endorsed.dirs to run this build, i'd be most
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