
it just occurred to me that ant build scripts are XML
files (I am a genius, aren't I :) ), so you can use
<xmlproperty>[1] to extract the name attribute of
project node:
<project name="main" default="main" basedir=".">
    <target name="main">
        <echo>Main project name is
        <subant antfile="sub.xml" target="sub"
        <xmlproperty file="sub.xml"
semanticAttributes="true" keepRoot="yes"/>

So it is possible, but clumsy - for example you have
to iterate over the fileset using <for>[2]. By the
way, in 90% of the cases projects' names are just for
user convenience and are not so important for the
build process. The other 10% where they are important
for the build process itself concerns <import>[3]
task. So why do you need them?


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> thanks ivan.
> I was aware of the ${ant.project.name}property, but
> indeed i want the names of all sub projects in my
> main ant files that iterates through these projects.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ivan Ivanov
> Sent: Thu 7/14/2005 5:34 PM
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: Re: retrieving project names with subant
> Hello,
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > hello gentle people;
> > is there a way to retrieve the names of the
> project
> > being run when using subant?
> The name of the currenr project is stored in the
> built-in property ant.project.name. So you can use
> something like this:
> <project name="main" default="main" basedir=".">
>     <target name="main">
>         <echo>Main project name is
> ${ant.project.name}</echo>
>         <subant antfile="sub.xml" target="sub"
> buildpath="${basedir}"/>
>     </target>
> </project>
> <project name="sub" default="sub">
>     <target name="sub">
>         <echo>Sub project name is
> ${ant.project.name}</echo>
>     </target>
> </project>
> But if you want in your main file the names of all
> sub
> projects, it would be harder.
> Regards
> Ivan
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