
You have several other alternatives to keep your ant
distribution clean of external libs:
1) Put commons-net-1.1.0.jar in $HOME\.ant\lib (my
favourite way)
2) Place it an arbitrary directory say
/path/to/thirdparty/jars and use -lib option of ant
launching script.

3) (Requires more coding and its benefits are
doubtful). Move ant-commons-net.jar from $ANT_HOME/lib
to some other folder and in your build script
<taskdef> ftp task like this:
<taskdef name="ftp" classname="...">
    <pathelement location="/path/to/commons-net.jar"/>


--- Asle Pedersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is it possible to "embed" the ant ftp task in a
> project. I would like
> to just depend on a standard ant-installation to use
> the ftp task and
> have the commons-net-1.1.0.jar in my project instead
> of under /ant/lib
> which is suggested by the documentation. I have
> tried different
> methods to do this but none have worked so far. Any
> suggestions?
> Regards,
> Asle
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