
I think that you can use <xmlvalidate>[1] task for
validation of your xml files and <record> task to
capture the output of the validation (untested but
might give you an idea):

<record name="dtdOutput.txt" action="start">
<xmlvalidate file="filename.xml">
  <dtd publicId="..." location="filename.dtd"/>

HTH Ivan


--- Yaakov Chaikin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Could someone point me in the right direction on the
> following...
> I have these directories:
> root
>   project1
>   project2
>   project3
> ...
> Each project contains XML file declared with a DTD,
> the DTD file, XML
> file declared with a Schema, the Schema file.
> What I would like to get ANT to do is to validate
> both XML files and
> capture the output of any errors inside 2 files:
> dtdOutput.txt and
> schemaOutput.txt. Each file should be placed
> alongside the
> XML/DTD/Schema file(s), so the file with the output
> file of the set of
> files would be in the same directory as those files.
> Any direction on this would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Yaakov.
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