I have a fairly large ant project I'm trying to move from ant 1.5.4 to 1.6.5. The current build (1.5.4) does an exec of the UNIX "scp" and "ssh" commands to deploy the built products to the numerous environments I support. As part of moving to ant 1.6.5, I want to use the ant "scp" and "sshexec" optional tasks. The "scp" task works without any problems. The "sshexec" task works, but the output I get back from the execution of the installation script on the remote machine is almost unusable/unreadable. I believe the problem is relate to the fact that the remote scripts run with "set -x". The lines that are echoed by the shell are output by ant as one word per line. The following is fragment from the same install run by exec'ing the ssh command and then by using the "sshexec" task. Any suggestions for solving this problem would be greatly appreciated. Example, exec "ssh" command: build.xml fragment: <target name="install-sm" if="BUILD.SM"> <record name="${LOGS.DIR}/sm-install_log.txt" action="start"/> <antcall target="ssh"> <param name="server.host" value="${sm.agent.host}"/> <param name="server.userid" value="${sm.user}"/> <param name="script" value="cd ${deploy.depot} && chmod 700 install-${deploy-package-prefix-sm}.sh && ./install-${deploy-package-prefix-sm}.sh '${db.dba.passwd}' '${sm.admin.passwd}'"/> </antcall> <record name="sm-install_log.txt" action="stop"/> </target> <target name="ssh" description="Runs commands on distibuted hosts."> <echo message="server.host=${server.host}"/> <echo message="server.userid=${server.userid}"/> <echo message="script=${script}"/> <exec executable="ssh" failonerror="true"> <arg value="-o"/> <arg value="batchmode=yes"/> <arg value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/> <arg value=". .profile; ${script}"/> </exec> </target> Sample output from exec "ssh": install-sm: ssh: [echo] server.host=arwen [echo] server.userid=proto2 [echo] script=cd /usr/local/home/dropoff/deploy/proto2 && chmod 700 install-proto2-all_fulldata_tnwipe-sm.sh && ./install-proto2-all_fulldata_tnwipe-sm.sh 'dbboss' 'proto2admin^' [exec] $Header: /u01/projects/cvs/omega/build/scripts/deploy/install_sm.sh,v 1.37 2005/02/15 18:25:29 ssaksa Exp $ [exec] + setup_logging scripts/install_sm.sh.log [exec] LOGFILE=scripts/install_sm.sh.log [exec] MAILTO= [exec] + [ ! -z scripts/install_sm.sh.log ] [exec] OPIPE=.27956.outpipe [exec] + [ ! -z ] [exec] + has_tokens scripts/install_sm.sh [exec] + mkfifo .27956.outpipe . . . Example, sshexec task: build.xml fragment: <target name="install-sm" if="BUILD.SM"> <record name="${LOGS.DIR}/sm-install_log.txt" action="start"/> <sshexec host="${sm.agent.host}" username="${sm.user}" keyfile="${HOME}/.ssh/id_dsa" passphrase=" " command=". ./.profile && cd ${deploy.depot} && chmod 700 install-${deploy-package-prefix-sm}.sh && ./install-${deploy-package-prefix-sm}.sh '${db.dba.passwd}' '${sm.admin.passwd}'"/> <record name="sm-install_log.txt" action="stop"/> </target> Sample output from task "sshexec": install-sm: [sshexec] Connecting to arwen:22 [sshexec] $Header: /u01/projects/cvs/omega/build/scripts/deploy/install_sm.sh,v 1.37 2005/02/15 18:25:29 ssaksa Exp $ [sshexec] + [sshexec] setup_logging [sshexec] [sshexec] scripts/install_sm.sh.log [sshexec] [sshexec] LOGFILE=scripts/install_sm.sh.log [sshexec] MAILTO= [sshexec] + [sshexec] [ [sshexec] [sshexec] ! [sshexec] [sshexec] -z [sshexec] [sshexec] scripts/install_sm.sh.log [sshexec] [sshexec] ] [sshexec] [sshexec] OPIPE=.27057.outpipe [sshexec] + [sshexec] [ [sshexec] [sshexec] ! [sshexec] [sshexec] -z [sshexec] [sshexec] [sshexec] ] [sshexec] [sshexec] + [sshexec] mkfifo [sshexec] [sshexec] .27057.outpipe [sshexec] . . . Thanks in advance Rick Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] 703-852-7847 Fiserv. - eLending Solutions 1600 International Drive, 2nd Floor McLean, VA 22102