Hi, the problem is solved, I was not able to get sshexec to work with just the jsch jar file downloaded from jcraft.
I found an ant-jsch.jar file in my netbeans4.1 tree and copied that to the ANT_HOME/lib directory, together with the downloaded jsch-0.1.20.jar file, I got sshexec working My conclusion is that the downloaded jsch jar file didn't contain all the necessary classes for use with ant162. I'm pretty sure that if I were to get versions of ant and jsch that were more 'attuned' there would be less problems. I write this one off to incompatible versions. I'd like to try getting this to happen more smoothly but..... as always: I've run out of time. kind regards, Luke -- ............._.. .| .| |.|/.|_ . .|__.|_|.|\.|_ . :61 421 276 282: --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]