Why don't you just load the same configuration file in the Ant file. There
are several tasks that are available in Ant that can do that. If the file is
a Java PropertiesResourceBundle file <property> will load the file and set
the properties in Ant. <loadfile> will load a file into a property that can
then be processed by other tasks to extract what you want from it and set

AntContrib has a <for> task.


Bill Rich
Wilandra Consulting LLC
1325 Addiewell Place
San Jose, CA  95120-3905
phone:      +1 408 268-2452
mobile:     +1 408 410-9713
Santa Cruz: +1 831 464-9007
fax:        +1 413 669-9716

-----Original Message-----
From: Ricky Clarkson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 6:02 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: How to get properties from an executable run with exec

I'm underqualified to answer really, but you can use ant from within Java,
so you could do all this in Java source code.

On 09/05/05, ELASRI Patrice SOFRECOM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to Ant and need to know how to get several properties as 
> environment variables for an executable run from ant, with the "exec"
> task.
> I saw that one cans do that with nested <env> elements, but this 
> doesn't satisfies me. Because I load several properties from a 
> configuration file and I don't want to write again a key/value pair 
> for each of these properties. In fact, in a first time, I want to use 
> "ant" to get configuration parameters (set as properties) inside a shell
> At least, does a "for" like loop exists within ant, so I can loop over 
> these properties and set environment variables with the <env> element.
> Thanks in advance
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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