Hello Andre,

Assuming we have a file called build.number that
contains the single line:
build.revision="$Rev: 24 $"
here is a sample snippet that will might help you:

  <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
  <loadfile property="line" srcfile="build.number"/>
  <propertyregex property="version" input="${line}"
regexp="\d+" select="\0"/>
  <echo>$${version} = ${version}</echo>

Here we use propertyregex task[2] from ant-contrib[1].


--- Andre Charbonneau
> Hi,
> I would like to extract the Subversion build number
> of my project and 
> use this to name my release files (tar.gz).  What I
> thought of doing is 
> to put a Subversion tag in my build.properties file.
>  Something like the 
> following:
> build.revision="$Rev: 24 $"
> That way, the build number will be in synch with my
> Subversion 
> repository.  But my question is:  How do I extract
> this build number to 
> use it in my build.xml tasks? (without the leading
> '$Rev' and trailing 
> '$' characters).
> Thanks,
>     Andre
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