Huditsch Roman wrote:

>Hi Jim,
>Thanks a lot for your solution.
>I'll straigth dive into it tomorrow morning.

a few caveats...u have to download ant-contribs jar and make it
available to Ant (usually this means putting it in ant's lib...though I
would suggest putting into a seperate directory and nesting a
<classpath/> to the <taskdef/>)

this is not tested...though should give you the gist.....

if you find yourself going the file by file route you could use
ant-contribs <for/> task to iterate over a <fileset/>

<for param="file">
    <fileset dir="xml" includes="*.xml"/>
        <transform src="@{file}" dest="dest_dir" style="somestylesheet.xsl"/>

note the src would refer to the single file e.g. @{file} (as being itereated 
through defined by the <fileset/>)

gl, Jim Fuller

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