Hi list,

Although I search the archives, I could not find any useful hint for my problem.
I recently started using ant for controlling my XSLT transformations.
Actually, I need ant to take control over the execution of the appropriate 
batch file for a given target.
These target-specific batch-files are handling my stylesheet calls using Saxon.

So far, everything works fine.
The proplem is taht everytime I start the transformation, all files of my input 
folder are converted.
I would like ant to just produce new or changed files (since the last 
transformation call).
the source folder is specified within my batch file, so I am nor sure if I need 
to rewrite my ant and abtch files....
Any help is greatly appreciated.

My Ant file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<project name="Content Produktion" default="GLP_Legislation" basedir=".">
        <target name="GLP_Legislation" description="Normen, Verordnungen, 
                <exec dir="R:\Produktion\Legislations" executable="cmd">
                        <arg line="/c transform_legislations.bat"/>

One of my batch files:

@echo off
set JAVA_HOME=R:\Produktion\Tools\jdk1.5.0_01;
set PATH=.;R:\Produktion\Tools\jdk1.5.0_01\bin;

mkdir added
java  net.sf.saxon.Transform -o added/ source/ 
echo Adding version information done

mkdir splitted
java  net.sf.saxon.Transform -o splitted/ added/ 
rd /S /Q added
echo Splitting done

java  net.sf.saxon.Transform -o result/ normalized/ 
rd /S /Q normalized
echo Conversion finished
echo ===================

echo ==============================
echo Process finished successfully
echo ==============================


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