Hello, I'm trying to generate a unix shell script from an ant task. The ant task is just a simple java execution and I want to generate the unix shell script for deployment purposes. Is there a way to do this easily? I've tried to write a custom task and I'm having a difficult time getting all of the information I need. For example I have the following snippet...
<target name="generate-scripts" description="Generates the appropriate shell scripts from ant runtimes."> <taskdef name="unixscriptgen" classname="task.UnixScriptGenerator" classpathref="perseus.classpath.run"/> <unixscriptgen target="stupidjava" file="blah.sh"/> </target> <target name="stupidjava" description="blah"> <java classname="nonexistantclass"> <classpath refid="perseus.classpath.run"/> </java> </target> --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]