I'm using eclipse for my IDE and my project has a build.xml. Whenever I do a build, I right-click the build.xml and select Run Ant... I then select the All target. Works great.
Recently, my cohorts have suggested I need to switch from the 1.3.1 Java to the 1.4.2 Java to be compatible with a new run environment. I start eclipse with C:\eclipse\V2_1_3\eclipse\eclipse.exe eclipse -vm C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\bin\javaw.exe So it uses the newer java vm. However I'm getting this when I do my build: [echo] The classpath for compilation is c:\Java\j2sdkee1.4.2_07\lib\j2ee.jar:jars/xerces.jar:jars/MCP.jar [echo] Java home is C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_07 [javac] Compiling 307 source files to C:\SPEC\classes [javac] C:\SPEC\src\com\sun\jini\debug\Debug.java:177: cannot access java.lang.Object [javac] bad class file: C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_07\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/lang/Object.class) [javac] class file has wrong version 48.0, should be 47.0 [javac] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath. [javac] private String propertyName; [javac] ^ [javac] 1 error [javac] BUILD FAILED: file:C:/SPEC/build.xml:110: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. Total time: 3 seconds Any ideas what is going wrong and how to fix it? Here is my build.xml: build.xml --------- <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- SPECjAppServer build definitions. August 2002 : Modified default to use CMP April 2002 : Modified for SPECjAppServer 2001 April 2001 : Minor Modifications by Tom Daly (Sun) March 2001 : Thanks to Bill Kayser (Alliare) for creating the initial version of this ant input file and for the documentation accompanying it which has been incorporated into the README.html Please refer to the readme.html for instructions on building and deploying the SPECjAppServer source. This file contains targets for compiling and packaging war files and ejb files using ant 1.3 or later. You can find the ant binaries at http://jakarta.apache.org/ant It should not be necessary to edit this file. EXECUTING TARGETS To execute a target for a particular appserver such as the reference implementation, do this: ant -Dappserver=ri.1.3.1 target Substitute "ri.1.3.1" for the name of the appserver, such as "tomcat" or "jrun". "ant" should be invoked from the SPECjAppServer top directory ($JAS_HOME) SUPPORTED TARGETS These are the targets you are most likely to use: clean: Delete all output files jAppServer-ear: Builds all ejb jar files and warfiles needed for SPECjAppServer, minus the supplier, emulator and driver. emulator-ear: Builds the emulator ear file with the war inside. allejbs: Builds just the ejb jar files for all deployable ejbs clean-driver: Removes the driver class files and jar in preparation for rebuilding. driver: Builds the driver.jar file, this must be called explicitly as it is not part of the default build also driver.jar is not removed by the "clean" target load: builds the load.jar file loaddb: Executes the load program for all domains. load-corp,load-supp,load-mfg,load-ords,load-rules: The targets for individual domain db loading --> <project name="SPECjAppServer" default="all"> <!-- This property determines where env and config files will be loaded from. The default is "ri.1.3.1" which means that config/ri.1.3.1.env will be loaded and the EJB descriptors will be found in src/deploy/ri.1.3.1. --> <property name="appserver" value="ri.1.3.1"/> <!-- This is the classpath used for compilation. If you don't have the j2ee.jar file handy, you can substitute it with the individual ext jar files if you have them instead. --> <!-- Load the external properties. These will override any settings here. --> <property file="config/${appserver}.env"/> <property name="compile.classpath" value="${JAVAX_JAR}:jars/xerces.jar:jars/MCP.jar" /> <!-- This uses the JDK1.3 compiler if available. You may need to set JAVA_HOME. --> <property name="build.compiler" value="modern"/> <property name="descriptor-dir" location="src/deploy/${appserver}"/> <target name="all" depends="jAppServer-ear,emulator-ear,load"/> <!-- Delete all the targets --> <target name="clean"> <delete dir="./classes/WEB-INF" /> <mkdir dir="./classes/WEB-INF" /> <delete> <fileset dir="." includes="**/*~,**/*.class,*.zip,**/*.?ar" excludes="ant/lib/*.jar,jars/*chart*.jar,jars/driver.jar, ,jars/launcher.jar,jars/xerces.jar,jars/MCP.jar"/> </delete> </target> <!-- Compile everything --> <target name="compile"> <echo message="The classpath for compilation is ${compile.classpath}" /> <echo message="Java home is ${JAVA_HOME}" /> <javac srcdir="src" deprecation="on" debug="on" destdir="classes" includes="**/*.java" excludes="**/charts*/*" target="1.2" classpath="${compile.classpath}"/> </target> <!-- DRIVER clean and REBUILD Targets It is not expected that the driver will need to be deleted or rebuilt but the next 2 targets provide for this should the user explicitly want to do it. So be aware that the "clean" target will not effect the driver classes or jar, you must use "ant clean-driver" to remove driver files and then "ant driver" to build the new driver The driver target also rebuilds the launcher.jar file which contains the logic to initiate the driver in a portable fashion. --> <target name="clean-driver" > <delete> <fileset dir="." includes="**/driver/*.class, **/jars/driver.jar, **/jars/launcher.jar" /> </delete> </target> <target name="driver" depends="compile"> <rmic base="./classes" includes="**/driver/*Impl.class,**/driver/*Agent.class" excludes="**/driver/Agent.class" /> <jar jarfile="jars/driver.jar" compress="false"> <fileset dir="classes" includes="**/driver/*.class"/> </jar> <jar jarfile="jars/launcher.jar" compress="false"> <fileset dir="classes" includes="**/launcher/*.class"/> </jar></target> <!-- Definitions for the names of the descriptor files --> <property name="dd.persistence" value="BMP"/> <property name="dd.supp" value="supplier.xml.${dd.persistence}"/> <property name="dd.servlet" value="servlet.xml"/> <property name="dd.web" value="web.xml"/> <property name="dd.application" value="application.xml"/> <property name="dd.emu-web" value="emulator-web.xml"/> <property name="dd.emu-app" value="emulator-app.xml"/> <property name="dd.application-specific" value="sun-j2ee-ri.xml"/> <property name="tmpdir" value="./tmpdir"/> <!-- EJB Jar Packaging --> <target name="allejbs" depends="util,corp,orders,mfg,supplier-ejb"/> <target name="util" depends="compile"> <jar jarfile="jars/util.jar" compress="false"> <fileset dir="classes" includes="**/common/**,**/util/**"/> <zipfileset dir="${descriptor-dir}/util/${dd.persistence}" includes="*.xml" prefix="META-INF"/></jar></target> <target name="corp" depends="compile"> <jar jarfile="jars/corp.jar" compress="false"> <fileset dir="classes" includes="**/common/**,**/ruleengine/**,**/corp/**"/> <zipfileset dir="${descriptor-dir}/corp/${dd.persistence}" includes="*.xml" prefix="META-INF"/></jar></target> <target name="orders" depends="compile"> <jar jarfile="jars/orders.jar" compress="false"> <fileset dir="classes" includes="**/common/**,**/orders/**"/> <zipfileset dir="${descriptor-dir}/orders/${dd.persistence}" includes="*.xml" prefix="META-INF"/></jar></target> <target name="mfg" depends="compile"> <jar jarfile="jars/mfg.jar" compress="false"> <fileset dir="classes" includes="**/common/**,**/mfg/**"/> <zipfileset dir="${descriptor-dir}/mfg/${dd.persistence}" includes="*.xml" prefix="META-INF"/></jar></target> <!-- The supplier needs to have the xerces xml parser classes so add xerces.jar in the classpath of the server --> <target name="supplier-ejb" depends="compile"> <property name="tmpfile" value="tmp.xml"/> <antcall target="process-dd"> <param name="source-dd" value="${descriptor-dir}/${dd.supp}"/> <param name="target-dd" value="${tmpfile}"/></antcall> <jar jarfile="jars/supplier.jar" compress="false"> <fileset dir="classes" includes="**/common/**,**/supplier/**" excludes="**/supplier/helper/LogManager.class, **/supplier/web/**,**/supplier/emulator/**"/> <zipfileset dir="." includes="${tmpfile}" fullpath="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml"/> <zipfileset dir="${descriptor-dir}/supplier/${dd.persistence}" includes="*.xml" prefix="META-INF"/></jar> <delete file="${tmpfile}"/></target> <!-- This is an ant subroutine. This routine should be called with the property source-dd set to the deployment descriptor which will be copied to the file given by target-dd with the emulator host and port tokens substituted. NOTE: This could be done automatically if the tokens fit ant token syntax: @token@ Ant does automatic token substitution during <copy> --> <target name="process-dd"> <property name="tmpfile" location="classes/tmp.xml"/> <copy tofile="${target-dd}" overwrite="true" file="${source-dd}"/> <replace file="${target-dd}" token="EMULATOR_HOST" value="${EMULATOR_HOST}"/> <replace file="${target-dd}" token="EMULATOR_PORT" value="${EMULATOR_PORT}"/> <replace file="${target-dd}" token="_EMULATOR_PREFIX_" value="${EMULATOR_PREFIX}"/> <replace file="${target-dd}" token="JAS_HOST" value="${JAS_HOST}" /> <replace file="${target-dd}" token="JAS_PORT" value="${JAS_PORT}" /> <replace file="${target-dd}" token="_JAS_PREFIX_" value="${JAS_PREFIX}" /></target> <!-- Web application archive packaging. The web applications consist of the targets: supplier-war web-war emulator-war --> <target name="supplier-war" depends="compile"> <war warfile="jars/supplier.war" compress="false" webxml="${descriptor-dir}/${dd.servlet}" basedir="src/docroot" includes="dtd/**/*"> <classes dir="classes" includes="**/common/**,**/supplier/helper/**, **/supplier/web/**"/> <zipfileset dir="${descriptor-dir}/servlet" includes="*.xml" prefix="WEB-INF"/> </war> </target> <target name="web-war" depends="compile"> <war warfile="jars/web.war" compress="false" webxml="${descriptor-dir}/${dd.web}" basedir="src/docroot"> <classes dir="classes" includes="**/common/**,**/webbeans/**"/> <zipfileset dir="${descriptor-dir}/web" includes="*.xml" prefix="WEB-INF"/> </war> </target> <!-- The emulator needs to have the xerces xml parser classes so add xerces.jar in the classpath of the server --> <target name="emulator-war" depends="compile"> <property name="tmpfile" location="classes/tmp.xml"/> <antcall target="process-dd"> <param name="source-dd" value="${descriptor-dir}/${dd.emu-web}"/> <param name="target-dd" value="${tmpfile}"/></antcall> <war warfile="jars/emulator.war" compress="false" webxml="${tmpfile}" basedir="src/docroot" includes="dtd/**/*"> <classes dir="classes" includes="**/common/**,**/supplier/emulator/**, **/jini/**,**/supplier/helper/**"/> </war> <delete file="${tmpfile}"/></target> <!-- Convenience target for building the entire supplier --> <target name="supplier" depends="supplier-ejb,supplier-war"/> <!-- EAR Files --> <target name="jAppServer-ear" depends="util,supplier,web-war,corp,orders,mfg"> <mkdir dir="${tmpdir}" /> <mkdir dir="${tmpdir}/META-INF"/> <copy todir="${tmpdir}/META-INF" > <fileset dir="${descriptor-dir}" includes="${dd.application},${dd.application-specific}" /> </copy> <copy todir="${tmpdir}" > <fileset dir="jars" includes="corp.jar,mfg.jar,orders.jar,supplier.jar,util.jar supplier.war,web.war" /> </copy> <jar jarfile="jars/SPECjAppServer.ear" compress="false" basedir="${tmpdir}" > </jar> <delete dir="${tmpdir}" /> </target> <target name="emulator-ear" depends="emulator-war"> <zip zipfile="jars/emulator.ear" compress="false" basedir="jars" includes="emulator.war"> <zipfileset dir="${descriptor-dir}" includes="${dd.emu-app}" fullpath="META-INF/application.xml"/></zip> </target> <!-- DB Load --> <!-- Default scale value. Should be overridden on the command line. --> <property name="SCALE" value="1"/> <property name="JAS_HOME" location="."/> <target name="loaddb" depends="load-corp"/><!--,load-supp,load-mfg,load-ords,load-rules"/--> <target name="load-corp"> <antcall target="_loaddb"> <param name="Domain" value="Corp"/></antcall></target> <target name="load-supp"> <antcall target="_loaddb"> <param name="Domain" value="Supp"/></antcall></target> <target name="load-mfg"> <antcall target="_loaddb"> <param name="Domain" value="Mfg"/></antcall></target> <target name="load-ords"> <antcall target="_loaddb"> <param name="Domain" value="Ords"/></antcall></target> <target name="load-rules"> <property name="LoadPkg" value="org.spec.jappserver.load"/> <java classname="${LoadPkg}.LoadRules" fork="true"> <classpath> <pathelement path="${JDBC_CLASSPATH}"/> <pathelement path="${CLASSPATH}"/> <pathelement location="jars/load.jar"/></classpath> <jvmarg value="-Dspecjappserver.home=${JAS_HOME}"/> <arg value="discount"/> <arg value="${JAS_HOME}/schema/discount.rules"/></java></target> <!-- Generic Ant target for loading a table. Should be invoked using antcall action seting the Domain argument. --> <target name="_loaddb" depends="load"> <property name="LoadPkg" value="org.spec.jappserver.load"/> <property name="Domain" value="Ords"/> <java classname="${LoadPkg}.Load${Domain}" fork="true"> <jvmarg value="-Dspecjappserver.home=${JAS_HOME}"/> <arg value="${SCALE}"/> <classpath> <pathelement path="${JDBC_CLASSPATH}"/> <pathelement path="${CLASSPATH}"/> <pathelement location="jars/load.jar"/></classpath></java></target> <target name="load" depends="compile"> <jar jarfile="jars/load.jar" compress="false" basedir="classes" includes="org/spec/jappserver/load/**/*.class"/></target> <!-- Compile charts --> <target name="compile-charts"> <echo message="The classpath for compilation is ${compile.classpath}:jars/jcchart450K.jar" /> <javac srcdir="src" deprecation="on" debug="on" destdir="classes" includes="**/charts*/*" target="1.2" classpath="${compile.classpath}:jars/jcchart450K.jar"/> </target> <target name="charts" depends="compile-charts"> <jar jarfile="jars/charts.jar" compress="false" basedir="classes" includes="org/spec/jappserver/charts/*.class"/> </target> </project> --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]