At first look ...
Zip has no destdir but a destfile

Can you also provide the specs of the environment (OS & fs if relevant, JDK, 
ANT) as it seem file
on my machine ... ?


--- Kevin Duffey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I am hoping I am just losing my mind here. When I use
> the WAR, JAR or ZIP task to create an archive, every
> time I try to store any directories that have .xml
> files in them, the directories are lowercased. Always.
> I do something like this:
> <zip destdir="${dist.dir}/file.war">
>   <zipfileset dir="${web.dir}/WEB-INF"
> prefix="WEB-INF"/>
> </zip>
> Every time I open the file.war (or if I name it
> or anything else.. its the same), the WEB-INF
> path is ALWAYS lowercased to web-inf/ in the path
> column of the zip file. If I use a dir like KKII that
> is stored on the filesystem in uppercase (windows
> system) and even specify a prefix that is all
> uppercase, if there is a .xml file below that dir, the
> dir name is ALWAYS lowercased in the archive. If there
> isn't a .xml file, it is stored with whatever case I
> use in the prefix="". 
> Please tell me why this is? The reason is, at least
> unless something else is wrong, when I try to deploy
> my .war file to tomcat (5.5.7), the .war file when I
> open it in winzip shows both WEB-INF/ paths and
> web-inf/ paths. The web-inf/ paths are where my
> web.xml is found. The output of tomcat says it can't
> find the web.xml of my web application.  Even if I
> name ALL the dirs to web-inf/ lowercase I still get
> this. On disk, it shows up (once tomcat expands the
> .war file) was WEB-INF, but it still for some reason
> is not finding the web.xml.
> Anyone got any clues? Why is the war/zip/jar task
> always lowercasing dirs with .xml files in them? I
> would expect it to behave as I tell it to, using
> prefix="" to upper-case.
> Thanks.
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