        dir test.bat
        if not %errorlevel%==0 goto error_exit


        exit /b 0


        exit /b 1

-----Original Message-----
From: John Cortell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 11:20 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: RE: launching Ant from a perl script

Sten, thanks for the added info. It seems putting an 'exit /b' at the
of ant.bat has the same effect as putting a 'goto: eof' which has the
effect as leaving ant.bat unmodified (sort of like putting a return 
statement at the end of a C/C++ function that returns void). Again, no 
surprise there.

So, it appears here's what's happening. Perl invokes a command shell to 
execute the bat file (ant.bat). The return code from that command shell 
process is NOT turning out to be %errorlevel%. So, while the ant 
application has failed, Perl never gets wind of it. Doing an 'exit' at
end of the bat apparently causes the command shell to return
as the return code. Without it, the command shell will return
if no other bat directive follows the failed ant app invocation (and
even a 
simple REM statement can mask out the failure).

For proof of this latter point, try invoking the following:

         dir -xyz

         print("error is $?\n");

Running test.pl will print "error is 0" !! Take out the REM statement,
you'll get the expected behavior. Very strange. Put back the REM and add
'exit' and there too you'll get the expected behavior, although now 
test.bat will terminate the command window if you run it straight out

Anyway, I realize some of this has strayed significantly from the focus
this mailing list. However, hopefully it does document why running
from a perl script is problematic (in so far as getting the success
of the ant invocation).

As to my previous email, I figured out why invoking ant via runant.pl
having a problem finding tools.jar. Unlike ant.bat, tools.jar does NOT 
support JAVA_HOME. Instead, it relies on java.exe being in the PATH. (My

PATH picks up an old java.exe)

The need for java.exe in the PATH is documented at the top of runant.pl,
that's fair. Still, I would expect runant.pl and ant.bat to behave as 
similar as possible. I.e. I'd expect both to support JAVA_HOME.


At 08:55 AM 3/11/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> From the Windows XP on-line help:
>EXIT [/B] [exitCode]
>   /B          specifies to exit the current batch script instead of
>               CMD.EXE.  If executed from outside a batch script, it
>               will quit CMD.EXE
>   exitCode    specifies a numeric number.  if /B is specified, sets
>               ERRORLEVEL that number.  If quitting CMD.EXE, sets the
>               exit code with that number.
>Sten Rosendahl
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dick, Brian E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 4:35 PM
> > To: Ant Users List
> > Subject: RE: launching Ant from a perl script
> >
> > The "exit" command terminates the command shell and not the bat
> > You exit a bat file by "goto :eof".
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