<call path="/files/file/Location" target="antTarget"> <param name="filename" path="../@name"/> <param name="type" path="../@type"/> </call>
to call an Ant target 'antTarget' for each location, with the properties "filename" and "type" set appropriately. Note that I haven't tested the above, so it may require some tweaking.
You can get xmltask at http://www.oopsconsultancy.com/software/xmltask
Anand Krishniyer wrote:
Hi I have an xml file similar to this <files> <file name="a.jar" type="jar"> <Location>"c:/1"</Location> <Location>"c:/2"</Location> </file> <file name="b.conf" type="conf"> <Location>"e:/1"</Location> <Location>"e:/2"</Location> <Location>"e:/3"</Location> </file> </files>
Based on the file name and type I need to perform certain operations on the file. How do I iterate through this xml and retrieve a set of "locations" for a particular file i.e for file a.jar the locations are c:/1,c:/2
When I use XMLProperty task and For loop from ant-contrib I get separate lists for file.name, file.type and file.location.
for e.g
I need to identify the locations associated with a particular file. How can I do this?
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks Anand
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