Is there any good way to automatically rename files in a fileset?

Situation, I have many different products that I support, instead of
including specific libraries in the build script I include a reference to
the files which is resolved in a properties file. This allows me to easily
vary different versions of a particular library, without manually changing
build script(s) every time. We have one product that is spread
across 5 CVS modules this allows one property file change to affect all CVS

I would like to be able to rename the libraries from log4j-1.2.8.jar to
log4j.jar, when I copy the file contained in a fileset to the distro point.
Is there any easy way to do this? (Basically just strip out the number part
of the library name.)


Current snippets of code:
   <!-- These libraries are required to compile and run production code -->
   <fileset id="compile.libs" dir="${libs.home}">
      <include name="${commons-cli}"/>
      <include name="${commons-codec}"/>
      <include name="${commons-lang}"/>
      <include name="${commons-logging}"/>
          <include name="${log4j}"/>
          <include name="${realmutil}"/>
      <include name="${realm-commons}"/>
          <include name="${xbean}"/>

   <!-- These libraries are only required to run production code
        Note that they are NOT required to compile production code -->
   <fileset id="runtime.libs" dir="${libs.home}">
      <include name="${activation}"/>
      <include name="${jtds}"/>
      <include name="${log4j}"/>
      <include name="${mail}"/>
      <include name="${ojdbc14}"/>
      <include name="${xercesImpl}"/>
      <include name="${xalan}"/>

   <target name="compile" depends="init" description="Compile Java sources">
      <javac srcdir="${src.home}"
      <copy todir="${deploy.dest}/lib" overwrite="yes">
         <fileset refid="compile.libs"/>
         <fileset refid="runtime.libs"/>

Casey B. Daniell
Realm Business Solutions, Inc.
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