rakesh mailgroups wrote:
an ever so slightly less complicated way....would be to define dir.web with ${file.seperator} instead of slashes....then you could drop the pathconvert.Hi,
sometimes Ant gives you too many ways to do things and you cobble something together that works but you think can probably done easier. Here's what i am trying to do:
My web.xml needs to contain a full path to a config file. This path should work whether on windows or unix. The location is always in a subdirectory of the base dir. Here's my Ant code:
<path id="location.frontservletxmlfile"> <pathelement location="${dir.web}" /> </path> ... <pathconvert targetos="windows" property="win" refid="location.frontservletxmlfile" /> <echo>Path to xml file is: ${win}</echo> <copy file="${dir.conf}/web.xml.template" toFile="${dir.web}/web.xml"> <filterset> <filter token="xml.location" value="${win}" /> </filterset> </copy>
the xml file goes from: <param-value>@xml.location@/frontcontroller.xml</param-value> to <param-value>C:\Projects\HelloSample\web\WEB-INF/frontcontroller.xml</param-value>
also if you are constantly doing the xml.location token replacement, try using the <copy/> task's filtering attribute and define a global build file filter.
gl, Jim Fuller
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