Ninju Bohra wrote:


The safe answer is yes and no...

Out of the box, the ANT distribution (along with the ant-contrib project) comes with a number of 
concepts (tasks and structures) that would be helpful (<copy>, <fileset>, 
<propertyregex>, etc...) to accomplish MOST of what you want.

The one area that is not currently pre-built is the ability to read a value from an 
artibrary XML file.  But since ANT is fully expandable, it should be possible to 
write a quick custom task, or a small piece of <script> code, to accomplish the 
XML reading.  I say this, with great confidence, because I had to extend our ANT 
build file so that I could read values from an XML files and put them in a property 
value and was able to write a generic custom task in about a 6 hours to do just that.

If you have a fully installed ANT environment and are interested in my custom 
task, please let me know...

Henning Waack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all.

btw you could just load up an xml file using <xmlproperties/> which does give you access to value encapsulated by elements and attributes...additionally there are a few existing 3rd party XML tasks for assisting in this.

gl, Jim Fuller

I am new to Ant, I have no experience with it. I need to
evaluate if Ant can be used for a project I work on. Since I
have some difficulties getting the information I need from
the web, I would like to give you a rough overview of my
demands and ask you to tell me, if this is possible. I don't
need any specific implementation, just the information if it
is useful to use ant for my project or some other language.

One requirement for the project is the following. I have a
XML-file with directory names in it, like:

According to these entries, I need to access the directories
and copy all files within (and all files in subdirectories)
to one single directory. Also, I need to rename all files,
giving them a prefix with the value of the directory they
are stored in.

Can this be done reasonably with Ant?

Thank you very much for you help.



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