> I think the failonerror attribute can just be used to make 
> the Perforce 
> tasks more lenient on some type of errors; but if you say 
> failonerror="false", you cannot get the error(s) which 
> happen, they are 
> swallowed.

Ok, that's what I was afraid of when I couldn't find it in the manual.  I have 
a situation where I've got (details omitted):


The <p4integrate> will fail if there's nothing new to integrate, and I wanted 
to be able to skip the resolve and submit if that's the case.  It's not 
critical, since if there's nothing to do, they fail harmlessly. I was just 
hoping to avoid doing the extra work when the integrate has told us that we 
don't need to, but since integrate -doesn't- report back, I can't.  Oh well, I 
can live with it as is.  Thanks for the reply. :)

Kajsa Anderson

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