Tried this .. 

<property name="DevBuild1" value="($DevBuild1)"/>
<property name="DevBuild2" value="($(DevBuild2)))"/>
<echo message="Starting CVS Difference Report (${DevBuild1}

Got this ..

     [echo] Starting CVS Difference Report (($DevBuild1) to

-----Original Message-----
From: Chaganthi, Madhusudan R. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:33 AM
To: Radha Sangal
Subject: RE: passing parameters to ant

<property name="DevBuild1" value="$(DevBuild1)"/>

It looks like the braces should be around the $ too.
<property name="DevBuild1" value="($DevBuild1)"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Radha Sangal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:31 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: passing parameters to ant

This might be a silly mistake, so I m asking for few more eyes to see
it. Please help!


We have an xml-rpc client calling a method on the server which executes
the following bat file.


Command line from "automated_Builds_Diffs.bat"

cmd /c ant -buildfile
D:\v04_E\Build_Scripts\CvsDiffReports\automated_cvsdiffs.xml manualDiff
-D DevBuild1=$1  -D DevBuild2=$2 > D:\test2.txt


($1 and $2 are passed from the client and are tested to have the right
value at run time)


Ant script "automated_cvsdiffs.xml" receiving these parameters:

<target name="manualDiff">

                        <!-- TO use manual diff, set the build names
below. This targets DEV build only -->

                        <property name="DevBuild1"

                        <property name="DevBuild2"

                        <echo message="Starting CVS Difference Report
(${DevBuild1} to ${DevBuild2})"/> 


Output as in test2.txt :


     [echo] Starting CVS Difference Report ($(DevBuild1) to


Script is failing here; the parameters are not getting populated. I have
tried some combinations like changing the names etc., but of no use. 

This is some small syntax which I am probably not able to see here.



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